Well done mister snare, it's really good of you (and all the other posters) to share your knowledge, it takes time to do this, and it's appreciated by many. And you being a 'wordly' too . . . Who'da thunk !
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
How do you study? What are your methods of memorizing big amount of text?
by will-be-apostate ini'm having an exam in mineralogy in 20 days and need to learn 120+ pages of content.
i've learned a part of it so far.
i'm just curious how did you/do you study?
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Is there any way one could have come about this information OTHER than on an apostate website? It WOULD be good to share the information, but you'd have to have a faultless source ..
It is so obviously a lie......now
by snare&racket inonce the spell is broken, one you take a deep fresh breath outisde of the watchtower camp, the amazingly obvious realisation becomes clear.... of course this is a lie, of course this is ridiculous!
you find you have memories of really believing the claims and promises, but it seems like another life, another experience.
it seems so incredibly false once you leave and it is very difficult to belive you even once accepted it!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
No you're spot on, I haven't fully let go . I can't FULLY as I'm still going. The indoctrination still seeps through insidiously . I suppose I'm only a year into waking up , I still can't argue the details very well, I'm reading more and more every day but I've got forty years of brain numbing to overcome. .
It is so obviously a lie......now
by snare&racket inonce the spell is broken, one you take a deep fresh breath outisde of the watchtower camp, the amazingly obvious realisation becomes clear.... of course this is a lie, of course this is ridiculous!
you find you have memories of really believing the claims and promises, but it seems like another life, another experience.
it seems so incredibly false once you leave and it is very difficult to belive you even once accepted it!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
You're not wrong. I've been seeing life without the filters but find that they surreptitiously grow back like tiny malignant cataracts after a while. That's what being born in does for you.
When a JW's life comes close to its end...
by suavojr intalking with a long time elder last night, was very revealing.
he has been a jw for over 60 years, a man that was incarcerated in cuba in his early 20s and faced great loss and suffering over his beliefs and for being born in a communist country.
this brave man is now brittle and low-spirited.. while nightfalls on his life, he is made aware the end is near.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
That's so sad. It's gotten to the point where I see similar things in my aging parents, I just can't bring myself to try to reason with them as it would destroy all they've worked their whole life for. As far as they know, I'm still in the 'truth', and they're proud of me for that. I can't bring myself to destroy that pride. No one wins. For me, it's worth pretending. They've sacrificed a lot for me over the years, it's the least I can do to reciprocate. Oh, and NEW HOPE AND HAPPINESS, you must've been a bit scared in the first 8 minutes of the match.... You were lucky man!
QFR August 15, 2014 - Resurrection and Marriage
by wisdomfrombelow inthe article addressed luke 20:34-36 and now they finally admit jesus could have been referring to the heavenly resurrection.
they said "put simply, the answer is that we cannot say" which is surprising because they have something to say about everything.
perhaps all the old people who are waiting the new world as widow and widowers want to know if they have a chance to be reunited with their dead loved one.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
"rather than needlessly speculating"??? Waaaaat? What the hell has that WHOLE ARTICLE been doing?
Anti JW Internet Banner Ad Campaign
by kneehighmiah ini would be willing to donate if some of the big anti watchtower activist worked together to create an anti-jw internet banner ad campaign.
one click could change lives.
for example the material on jwfacts could irreversibly damage the faith of even the strongest jw in under an hour.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
If this happens, the wording needs to be DEAD right. Absolutely no sensationalism, no generalised statements about lack of love, because while this may be true for many individuals here, I've experienced nothing but love personally (apart from the odd idiot) and many who see the banner will be in the same position. It'll be an immediate turn off. Better imo to focus on blood/organ transplants / vaccinations to show the gb have been WRONG before, they could be wrong now. I'd never heard about the organ transplants or vaccinations till I read coc...
I am going insane sitting here in the meeting listening to this repetitive garbage!
by stuckinarut2 inso i am sitting here at the meeting during the "book study".... the study is all about gods protective power!.
oh, yes, protective power....for righteous servants of his.....but what about all those who are trying to be good witnesses, serving the gb, who are not protected from harm?
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Ha! You sound just like me!
A nice find if you want to dispute the new "Donation" arrangement.
by DATA-DOG ini will probably use this line in my bible highlights tonight!
it's from the 5/1/1950 wt article " a christian use of material wealth.
the money which is contributed by persons who accept the printed bible-study helps from jehovahs witnesses aids quite a bit in keeping the work going.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
The "who are doing Jehovah's will" brochure (lesson 24) is a much more up to date quote to use, I agree that as soon as you use anything past, say, the eighties, you're immediately ignored as we've 'moved on' since then...
A nice find if you want to dispute the new "Donation" arrangement.
by DATA-DOG ini will probably use this line in my bible highlights tonight!
it's from the 5/1/1950 wt article " a christian use of material wealth.
the money which is contributed by persons who accept the printed bible-study helps from jehovahs witnesses aids quite a bit in keeping the work going.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I was planning an answer along these lines, but if you read the exodus verse fully, it's God telling the Israelites TO TAKE UP A COLLECTION, to donate, it's not saying that they'll build a temple IF people HAPPEN to donate enough to get it done.
I know the idea is that it should be willingly , from the heart, not a forced amount and all that, but I'm struggling how to word it. After all, the Israelites DID tithe as well....
I suppose it's fairly easy to comment about the difference between Catholics and the collection plate, mormons and the tithing, and our willing attitude, but I think the point could be lost , over peoples heads.